Every year we have the Canadian Independent Baptist Camp meeting (C.I.B.C.). This is held in Thamesford, On, at the Maple Grove Christian Retreat Center. During this time we remove all the cares of the world, and spend time with God. We unplug all the modern DSC0725 C.I.B.C.things, and turn our heart to seek God and know Him better. It is always a great week filled with singing, fellowship, and good, Bible-based preaching. Many lives have been changed and hearts transformed as a result of this meeting. C.I.B.C. is a time to refresh ourselves, renew our love for the Lord and desire to serve Him, and revive our hearts.IMG 20150702 211153 edit C.I.B.C.

This year C.I.B.C. will be held the week of July 6 to July 10th.  If you want a time renew, refresh and revive your spiritual walk with the Lord, why not consider joining us in Thamesford.